Easter Appeal


Helping our Homeless Wales will be ensuring that everyone on our books, whether street homeless or in financial hardship, will receive an Easter egg this year.

With Easter eggs currently reduced at Tesco, please help us reach our target of 100 Easter eggs that may be given out in Powys – we also hope to get 250 to give out across Wales. Tesco is putting medium eggs down to 75p for a limited period of time. Please help us reach our target for the eggs.

We thank you all for your continuous support, as without you, we wouldn't be here.

If you would like to donate to us in support of our Easter egg challenge, please make a payment via Paypal.me/HOHWales. Please could you add that your donation is for Easter Eggs.

#nooneshouldgohungry #everychildmatters #easterchallenge


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